About Us

Allawah means: Stay here, rest and sit down. To me, that means HOME...
My husband and I grew up in Vancouver Washington. We moved to Medford Oregon in 1990, to open up a small business. We have been married for over 30 years and we have always been an animal-loving and active outdoor couple. We have raised two wonderful daughters and are blessed enough to become grandparents.
2017 we moved to Gold Hill, Oregon on a little over 8 acres. Our daughter is who got us excited about Emus. She would show us videos and dream of having Emus of her own. That got my husband Brian thinking????
2020 is probably not the best year to start our business, but off we were jumping in headfirst.
Many things come from an Emu. The amazing oil, meat, leather, feathers, chicks, and eggs. I can honestly say we have tried the meat and eggs. Both are very delicious.
Looking ahead, we are planning for and Airbnb. This way we can share our Emus with whomever would like to come and visit.
Allawah Enterprises LLC currently offers emu chicks, hatching eggs, eggshells, and feathers. In the near future, we are hoping to offer white emu chicks.
We are excited to start this new journey. Please contact me if you have any questions?
Thank you,
Gay Davidson (Owner)
Contact Us
Allawah Enterprises, LLC
Gay Davidson
940 Galls Creek Road,
Gold Hill Oregon 97525